
An end-of-year gift for nature education for primary school students

We will end 2023 festively with a Christmas gift to ARK Rewilding. At the end of last year, 2022, we produced our traditional paper annual calendar for the last time. This year, we will donate the costs saves by not producing the calendar to a good cause! But how to choose a good cause from all those great initiatives? Aspects that we consider important to contribute to include nature conservation in the Netherlands, that provides action and results. So this year we highlight ARK Rewilding Netherlands and in particular their nature education programme.

Together for nature

ARK Rewilding Netherlands is committed to ensuring a robust and rich wildlife in the Netherlands. They work on extensive and dynamic nature reserves, where natural processes can take their course, but also where new wildlife contributes to the ecological and socio-economic functioning of the region. They seek cooperation with other social interests and find it important that experiencing the natural world through field education an important part of communication.


The marine lessons were developed by ARK to give primary school children an unforgettable experience with the sea. To ensure that future generations feel involved and connected we introduce them to the living North Sea at an early stage.
Prioir to the field visit, ARK visits the class to give you a sneak peek. Then it's time to go outside yourself!
Enthusiastic and experienced supervisors from De Stad Uit (Hoek van Holland), Moedertje Groen (Noordwijk) and LMSea (Brouwersdam) then take the children out in the field.

Experience the outdoors

During field visits to the North Sea coast, children search for creatures, admire grains of sand under a magnifying glass and catch the sea breeze. The children and their teachers experience how special the sea is and are given the opportunity to discover it for themselves.
You don't immediately expect it when you look at the cloudy water, but countless animal and plant species swim, crawl and drift beneath the waves. Sand eels swim under the surf, blue jellyfish drift and fronds of knotted kelp float. Further on, terns dive for their meal, and in the shallow water you will find crabs, shrimps and beautiful shells. This way, children discover for themselves how special the North Sea is.

Waardenburg Ecology is happy to contribute to this experience and education!