Data management

Data management

The success of many of our projects is dependent on robust and up-to-date data. Fieldwork is a fundamental part of our work and we are continually improving how data are collected and stored as well as data management and preparation for analyses.

The amount and types of data we work with requires high-quality data management techniques and efficient IT systems. Our ecologists work closely with our own GIS, and statistics and data specialists to ensure the correct interpretation of the data.

Communicating results

In addition to data collection and processing, the clear communication of results is a key part of any project. Whether sharing the results of research with a wider audience, stakeholders, policymakers or amongst the scientific community, Waardenburg Ecology has the expertise and the tools to present data and results in an understandable and appealing way.

Storymaps and web applications

We use ArcGIS Online platforms to create dashboards, storymaps and web applications for clients and colleagues. This allows a multitude of information to be shared in an interactive way. This can include text, tables, maps, photos and video, as well as hyperlinks to sources and interactive maps. These applications make the results of our research clear and interactive, and most importantly makes then accessible and understandable to a range of audiences.