Climate change

Climate change adaptation

Climate change brings many challenges including flooding and drought from changing rainfall patterns and more extreme temperatures. These changes not only affect us humans but also the natural world. The resilience of wildlife depends on how well species can adapt. We can play a role in mitigating the effects of climate change and in ensuring wildlife not only has the opportunity to thrive but to become part of the solution.

Climate change affects us all. This is reflected in many aspects of our work, from mapping species distributions to analysing the effects of climate change on water quality and biodiversity, and designing mitigating measures and translating them into policy.

Effects on water systems

We have a broad knowledge of water systems. In the Netherlands, we have mapped the effects of climate change on the flora and fauna of several large river systems, and have outline actions for the water authorities, environment agencies and site managers.

Climate change mitigation and adaptation

A good example of climate change mitigation is the development of a practical 'blue carbon' concept that captures CO2 in salt marsh systems. We also advise local authorities on tackling climate change by identifying issues and opportunities in both rural and urban areas. We see the natural world as a resource that offers solutions, ensuring a win-win situation for people and biodiversity.