Laws and regulations

Law and legislation

Spatial developments must take protected species and areas into account. With our knowledge and experience we advise our clients on procedures and legislation relating to wildlife and nature conservation. We conduct research into protected plants, animals and habitats, we advise on mitigation and compensation measures, and we assist in applying for the necessary exemptions or permits.

Waardenburg Ecology has been carrying out projects relating to protected sites (Natura 2000, designated areas, Water Framework Directive) and protected species for over 20 years. We have a vast knowledge in this area and are at the forefront in this field.

Species protection

A preliminary ecological appraisal is often the first step in this process. We use this to provide insights into whether a project poses a risk to protected species or areas. We can investigate further if potential risks to protected species cannot be ruled out and the work cannot be adjusted to account for this. We then determine whether an exemption is required and under what conditions or mitigatory measures it can be obtained.

Protected areas

When potential effects on protected areas cannot be ruled out we undertake an Appropriate Assessment. In some cases, permits may be required for the project. Guidelines and monitoring programmes are often required, such as under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), which have been developed to protect, conserve and restore the marine and freshwater environments.

Our ecologists have specialist knowledge of wildlife laws and legislation. We can discuss and develop practical research, solutions and mitigation and compensation measures.