Monitoring and surveys

Monitoring and surveys

We monitor changes in flora and fauna at a particular location by carrying out repeat surveys over a number of consecutive years. This is crucial for monitoring and managing wildlife and the natural values of an area. Waardenburg Ecology has monitoring specialists for almost all species groups, on land and in the air, and above and below water.

During surveys, we systematically examine which plants or animals occur within the specified area, along with various environmental factors. Monitoring plays an important role in nature management, policy and restoration. Furthermore, for developments or habitat management measures, it may be necessary to perform a survey for protected species.

The importance of monitoring and surveys

Monitoring is essential in wildlife management, policy descisions and restoration ecology. Monitoring data can be used to assess the value of sites for wildlife and the effectiveness of management measures.

Ecological specialists

Our ecologists have decades of experience of monitoring techniques, for all species groups and habiats. We carry out vegetation surveys and mapping on land and underwater. We also have specialists in the field of insects, amphibians, reptiles, (marine) mammals, birds, fish, macrofauna, plankton, algae and benthos. We have extensive experience with standardised methods, such as for subsidies, N2000 sites and the Water Framework Directive as well as marine and offshore monitoring. We also use our knowledge to develop new methods and customised monitoring techniques!