Want to know more?

Feel free to contact one of our specialists or use the form below. We are also happy to speak with you directly.

Contact details of our three offices:

Culemborg (headquarters)
Varkensmarkt 9
4101 CK Culemborg
Tel: +31 (0)345 512710

Haren (Groningen)
Oosterweg 127
9751 PE Haren
Tel: +31 (0)50 8200018

Nijmegen (campus Radboud Universiteit)
Toernooiveld 5
6525 EC Nijmegen
Tel: +31 (0)345 512710

We are happy to help!

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Last name*
Phone number
Email address*
Subject message*
Your message*

Waardenburg Ecology is a trading name of Bureau Waardenburg B.V. As of November 2022, we present ourselves as Waardenburg Ecology. The legal entitity of Bureau Waardenburg B.V. is registered with the DUtch Chamber of Commerce under number 11028826, with the registered office of Varkensmarkt 9, 4101 CK Culemborg.
iban NL57 ABNA 0559 3195 76 bic ABNANL2A
Btw nummer: NL8034.26.811.B01