Monitoring and surveys

Aerial surveys

Carrying out large-scale monitoring projects on the numbers, and spatial and temporal distribution of birds and marine mammals in the North Sea requires specialised knowledge. Waardenburg Ecology has this knowledge and experience, and has successfully carried out such monitoring using aerial surveys. Results can be interpreted to provide population estimates over large areas and over long periods.

Waardenburg Ecology carries out aerial surveys for birds and marine mammals over large areas, including the North Sea and lake IJssel, using standardised methods. Counting from a twin-engine aircraft with special bubble windows on either side provides our experienced observers safe and clear views for determining the species, numbers and behaviour of birds and marine mammals across large areas.

Digital aerial surveys

We have recently been involved in the first Digital Aerial Surveys in the Dutch North Sea. This involves the use of a camera system under the aircraft, which replaces human observers. We are continuing to work this this method and its use for offshore surveys.

Distance analysis and maps

We use various methods in the anlayses, including Distance. This estimates populations in a study area by recording observations and their distance from the transect line. This results in overview maps of a study area and the abundance and distribution of birds and marine mammals within it. This allows trends in bird and marine mammal populations to be monitored over the years.