Terrestrial ecology
Monitoring and surveys

Amphibians and reptiles

With their appearance reminiscent of prehistoric times, their hidden lifestyle and metamorphosis, reptiles and amphibians appeal to the imagination. In addition, they are an important link in the ecosystem and amphibians function as indicators for water quality. Our field ecologists investigate the presence of these animals.

All native reptiles and amphibians are protected under the Dutch Nature Conservation Act. This means that during spatial developments or management actions, mitigating or compensatory measures must be taken for the reptiles and amphibians present. No fewer than 14 species are also on the red list of threatened species and therefore require extra attention.

Systematic research

Depending on the situation and research question, we conduct systematic research. We do this in accordance with nationally established protocols, for example for great crested newts and viviparous lizards. We identify the presence of reptiles and amphibians through visual or acoustic observations, sampling with nets, and the installation of artificial habitats or Environmental DNA (eDNA).

eDNA and Habitat Suitability Index

We also conduct studies at the population or area level. Consider determining the Conservation Status of the great crested newt in Natura 2000 areas or describing the suitability of waters for a particular animal species based on the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) criteria. As part of these investigations, we often take eDNA samples to determine whether the animal is actually present.