Monitoring and surveys


Bats are protected by wildlife protection legislation. Roost sites, essential flight routes and foraging areas are also covered under these laws. Waardenburg Ecology carries out research into which bat species occur in a given area and how they make use of this area. This information is essential for assessing planned developments. We also look into the effects of wind turbines and advise on the installation of bat boxes.

If it turns out that bats are living in an area where work is planned, for example demolition, building and renovation or during insulation works, we will carry out further research. We adhere to the national bat protocol when monitoring and assessing the use of areas by bats. Studies range from a single building to entire residential areas and large-scale developments, including on waterways and the sea.


We use a wide range of methods and equipment for research on bats depending on the situation. For example, we use endoscopic cameras, thermal imaging cameras and bat detectors.
We use Anabats and Audiomoths to measure the flight activity of bats over long periods of time - passive 'listening boxes' that are left unmanned in the field. We use these devices in wind farms to investigate the effects of wind turbines on bats and to help prevent bats becoming collision victims. Through our continued research, we have built up a great deal of expertise.

Bat towers

We have a lot of knowledge and experience with installing bat boxes. We achieved a great success in 2020, when a maternity roost of common pipistrelle bats chose a raised bat box that we placed compensation measure. This 'bat tower' has since been used annually and has proven to be a worthy alternative until the new construction in question is completed.