Monitoring and surveys

Freshwater systems

Water is an essential part of many ecosystems. Many waterbodies serve different functions, such as for recreation, drainage and a supply of drinking water. Careful management is fundamental for maintaining the diverse functions of water in the environment. Research into freshwater systems is an important aspect of our work. Waardenburg Ecology studies all kinds of waterways and wetlands, from the major rivers of the Rhine and Meuse to lakes, fens, marshes and urban ponds.

There is a lot of freshwater in the Netherlands, including rivers, lakes, streams, ditches, canals, fens and ponds. We carry out projects spanning the entire freshwater ecosystem, both through standardised monitoring for water authorities and through specialist research. We also investigate water quality and underwater substrates, such as when advising on restoration or improvement projects.

Innovative monitoring

We carry out various standardised measurement programmes for the Dutch government and water authorities, often as part of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). This includes surveys for aquatic plants, macrofauna and fish. We are at the forefront of developments in new monitoring techniques, such as our own sonar equipment, the glass eel detector and the underwater suction sampler for macrozoobenthos on complex underwater structures.

Ecological expertise

We also carry out specific surveys to determine water quality or biodiversity. We often do this along wildlife-friendly banks that have been constructed under the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). We also analyse and interpret the data, and use our vast experience from field studies to offer advice that is both realistic and practical.