Monitoring and surveys

Marine Strategy Framework

Waardenburg Ecology's roots are in marine ecological research. Our research focuses on the entire marine ecosystem, from above the water, underwater and benthic organisms, and the interactions between them. For decades, our multidisciplinary team has been studying all ecological aspects of the marine environment, from coastal areas to offshore waters.

The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) has been developed to protect and improve the environmental quality of Europe's seas and oceans through ensuring human activities are sustainable and by restoring damaged ecosystems.

Biodiversity and restoration

Waardenburg Ecology is committed to achieving the objectives of the MSFD. We advise governments, NGOs and business on how their activities fit within the framework of the MSFD. Would you like to discover how your initiatives can help maintain healthy, biologically diverse and dynamic seas and oceans? Contact us for complete and insightful advice on all areas from wildlife-friendly wind farms to reef restoration and coastal defences.