Lab analyses


Environmental pollution due to microplastics is a global problem, and with the recent discovery that these particles are also found in the human body, one to be taken seriously. Waardenburg Ecology works together with water authorities and other organisations, to answer the many questions surrounding microplastics in our environment.

Since the long-term effects of microplastics on living organisms are not yet known, it is important to know how these particles behave in different environments. In addition, we must be able to identify them (is it plastic or other organic material?), assess their size, and quantify them.


Together with several partners, we are currently developing various methods to use microscopy to make a good estimate of the different sizes and quantities of microplastics. We do this in surface water and in sediment. Plastic particles found in sediment in rivers also indicate the extent to which these particles settle in the water and end up in the terrestrial system.

Water treatment

These methods can be used to provide information on microplastics in sewage water. We also investigate whether water treatment systems are suitable for removing microplastics from the water.

Recognizing that microplastics exist is one thing, now it's time to reduce their presence in the environment!