Monitoring and surveys

Natura 2000

Natura 2000 is the largest coordinated network of protected areas in the world. It provides protection for rare and threatened species and habitats in Europe. These Natura 2000 areas cover both terrestrial, wetland and marine areas and provide long-term legal protection for important species and habitats.

We use our knowledge to advise governments on the designation of Natura 2000 areas and to develop Natura 2000 management plans. We also evaluate the implemented measures for their effectiveness and advise on any additional measures or adjustments needed.

Management plans

Waardenburg Ecology has specialist ecological knowledge for developing management plans for Natura 2000 areas. For example, we provide important background documents for our clients and we provide appropriate assessments that form the input for management plans. We also regularly collaborate with other organisations and experts.

Evaluating management plans

Following the implementation of a management plan, the conservation objectives and actions are evaluated. Conservation goals are assessed in relation to the actioned measures, and regional, national and international trends as well as other factors affecting success.