Marine and offshore
Monitoring and surveys

Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

We have a new diver! Our Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle (ROV) offers valuable support to our marine ecologists in the field. We can record beautiful and revealing images of life underwater that can be used for both monitoring and for public engagement.

Waardenburg Ecology has the knowledge and innovations to uncover the secrets of life underwater. Our ROV is also a perfect tool for mapping structures, inspecting quay walls as well as deeper waters!

Combination with sonar

The ROV is often used in combination with sonar to map underwater structures in 3D images and to collect GIS data. The ROV can record both with photos and video images. This enables us to provide valuable information relating to water management and ecological issues, both at the larger scale and in detail.

Collecting data

Data management and presentation is an increasingly important part of our research. Waardenburg Ecology is a leader in this field, creating our own custom processes for data collection and interporetation in the field. The ROV is just one of our many innovations used for research below the water's surface, providing our marine and freshwater ecologists with more opportunities for collecting sound data for unique insights into the natural world.