Terrestrial ecology
Monitoring and surveys

Small mammals

There are all kinds of things running, crawling and jumping through our thickets and grasslands that may not be very noticeable at first glance: mice, moles, rabbits, hares, squirrels, mustelids and badgers. To really gain a good insight into the abbundance and distribution of these mammals, research techniques are required that differ per species.

Waardenburg Ecology monitors and surveys mammals in order to identify the presence of protected species in accordance with nature legislation. Research can also provide information about the effects of management or the use of wildlife passages.

The Environmental Act

In the context of the Dutch Environmental Act, we conduct a lot of field research into, for example, the presence of badgers or pine martens. We do this on the basis of visual observations, but also through investigating tracks and signs. The research involves looking for lodgings, tracks, foraging signs, hair in barbed wire, excrement, traffic victims, prints in snow and prey victims. Camera traps, footprint tunnels and infrared cameras are also used.

Thermal imaging cameras

In 2022, we analyzed data from the Royal Dutch Hunters Association and examined the counting methods for hare, rabbit and roe deer. The main conclusion was that for all three species more animals were counted when thermal imaging cameras were used.