Terrestrial ecology
Monitoring and surveys

Vegetation survey

The vegetation of an area, together with the abiotic factors, forms the basis of an ecosystem. The vegetation is important in determining the types of insects, birds and mammals that will be present. Vegetation research therefore provides essential information about the values an areas has for wildlife; not only in terms of plants but also about opportunities for fauna.

Vegetation research is valuable and for some areas an obligation under the Natura 2000 policy or the Dutch Nature and Landscape Subsidy System (SNL). Waardenburg Ecology has extensive experience in conducting vegetation research and translating vegetation maps into habitat type classifications.

Recording and mapping vegetation

During vegetation mapping, the vegetation types (group of plant species that occur together) are mapped. Repeating this method over a number of years allows succession in the area to be closely monitored. Another method we use is to repeadedly record images of a small area at a fixed location. All plant species that occur within it and their coverage are recorded according to a fixed methodology, such as Braun-Blanquet or Tansley.

Management advice

Based on our extensive experience with surveying and monitoring throughout the Netherlands, we are able to advise our clients as to the most suitable survey design. We can also provide management advice based on the monitoring results, providing immediate value to the results of the surveys.