Terrestrische ecologie
Monitoring and surveys

Wildlife crossings

Humans have greatly influence the landscape. Our roads, buildings and use of the land has negative impacts on the habitats of animal and plant species. These habitats become smaller and more fragmented, reducing opportunities for movements and breeding. Waardenburg Ecology mitigates or compensates these effects through the design and construction of ecological facilities such as wildlife crossing, passages, sand martin banks, and bat and bird boxes.

If a project requires mitigation or compensation measures, we can advise as to the most effective measures. We also conduct research into the use of these facilities, including bat boxes and alternative nesting sites for birds.

Wildlife crossings

Waardenburg Ecology provides ecological advice for the design of wildlife crossings and is co-author of the 'Guidelines for Wildlife Facilities along Infrastructure' (in Dutch: Leidraad faunavoorzieningen langs infrastructuur). Wildlife crossings to connect areas come in all shapes and sizes. From large ecoducts over the highway more than 40 meters wide, to small amphibian tunnels under the surface of the road. Years of research shows that many animal species use these crossings and contribute to continued interaction between different groups within a species.

Use of crossings

What once started with research into the use of badger tunnels using ink pads, has grown into a field in which we have become national experts: the monitoring and use of wildlife facilities by animals. In addition to ink and sand pads, pitfall and walk-in traps, we also use the latest techniques such as (web- and infrared-) cameras. Every year we monitor approximately 40-60 wildlife facilities spread across the country and share our knowledge at symposia and workshops.