
Urban wildlife

Urban areas can have a diverse range of habitats that provide homes to a variety of wildlife. Many plants and animals thrive in urban areas and biodiversity in cities may even be higher than in rural areas. Furthermore, the urban environment offers unique opportunities for raising the awareness of the importance of the natural world.

Urban areas can often be characterised as having a variety of functional landscapes. Increasing wildlife and green spaces can improve the living quality of these environments. We find opportunities to increase wildlife in urban areas with the aim of improving living quality and connecting both people and wildlife with the surrounding areas.

Ambassador species

Communication is essential when raising awareness of local wildlife. We often use ambassador species that represent the local wildlife and the aims of any plans to increase biodiversity. Our aim is to connect people with wildlife and to increase community involvement as well as the value of natural environment.

Combining with climate change adaption

Waardenburg Ecology looks for opportunities for both wildlife and people. By working with local authorities, we identify areas where several goals can be addressed. For example, many actions being undertaken as part of climate change adaptation can also be beneficial to biodiversity, such as rainwater storage, reducing the effects of heat islands and maintaining a liveable environment. A strategic approach combinating these functions leads to increased value and a higher chance of success.
Read more over our innovative project the living quay