Wildlife-friendly design
Landscape architecture

Inspiration book oostpolder

Waardenburg Ecology offers inspiration through a visual book full of ideas for biodiversity. By taking biodiversity into account from the start of planning, opportunities arise to strengthen the quality of life, even on large industrial estates. The landscape is changing, but there are many opportunities to make room for greenery and water in a smart way.

A natural environment

There is a growing awareness that the natural environment is of great importance to humans. For water storage, cooling, healthy air and quality of life. New, large-scale developments must therefore include measures to integrate biodiversity into the development, instead of assuming that this occurs elsewhere.
Vegetation provides a view of greenery instead of the facade
Adding a second layer in the form of public spaces on roofs

In nature, the seasons and life-cycles have their own timeframe that differs to that of contruction projects. By taking this into account in the design and phasing of the development, the biodiversity can be incorporated faster and more successfully. By designing gradual transitions between land and water, between forest and grassland, between garden and facade, we offer more opportunities to wildlife. This results in higher biodiversity and a more natural appearance.
Gradual transition from forest to grassland
Gradual transition from land to water

Biodiversity inspiration book

Waardenburg Ecology prepared an inspiration book for biodiversity on industrial estates, with the Oostpolder as a case study. The Oostpolder is located next to Eemshaven and is being developed by large companies. The province of Groningen has ambitions to keep developments sustainable.
The area houses 21 wind turbines, meaning that special preconditions apply for land use and for biodiversity to be promoted. For example, we do not want to attract high numbers of flying birds or bats, which would then be at risk of collision with the wind turbines. It is also important that the quality of life in several villages near the Oostpolder does not deteriorate. By offering space for biodiversity and also welcoming recreationists, we capitalize on opportunities to improve the quality of life.

Our design principles include, bundling all space for greenery and water and ensure that it is not crossed by infrastructure. Freeing up wasted, unused space to promote biodiversity, again tying into the bundled green space. Both public and private spaces designed together to improve biodiversity.
After all, nature does not recognise property boundaries.

Design principles

Flight movements

Download the 'Biodiversity Inspiration Document' here (all in Dutch)

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