Climate change

Flood defences

Dyke reinforcements are necessary to protect the Netherlands against climate change. Waardenburg Ecology has a lot of experience in carrying out preparatory ecological research, but also in integrating dyke reinforcements into the landscape and river systems.

Necessary dyke improvements may have consequences for the landscape of the river, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives, and protected species. It is therefore important to conduct thorough research into the protected natural values before carrying out any work.

Ecological advice

We map out the opportunities and risks of dyke reinforcement for our clients. We also supervise the entire process during the design and realization phase. We examine the plans against wildlife legislation and advise on options for mitigation and compensation. Our knowledge of ecological management is an important factor in ensuring success.

Natural landscapes

Our landscape designers and architects advise on the integration of dyke reinforcement into the landscape. During work sessions and drop-in evenings we collect information and share our ideas with local residents or stakeholders. By involving ourselves early in the planning process, we see large-scale measures as an opportunity to strengthen nature and landscape and make the area even more beautiful.