Wildlife-friendly design

Blue-green infrastructure

Areas need blue-green infrastructure to provide cooling, collect water and ultimately form nature's 'highway'. Yet what does this look like and how can you achieve it? Waardenburg Ecology advises on a the best way to include greenery and water in every part of your area. We also offer concrete measures for implementation.

To absorb climate extremes, you need the resilience of a robust blue-green infrastructure. The natural value of this infrastructure increases if you connect to nature reserves in the area. The right management ensures further strengthening of a valuable infrastructure.

The bigger picture

If you first identify the bottlenecks in your area, you can think of solution for issues such as climate change. That could be through blue-green infrastructure. Do not forget that a blue-green infrastructure must relate to its environment and the cultural-historical valuable patterns. This infrastructure must not cause any nuisance. We pay attention to that bigger picture.

Pragmatic combination

We combine the best of both worlds in a pragmatic way. On the one hand, landscape architecture, which uses the well-known layer approach and creates clarity and image quality. On the other hand, the specialist knowledge of nature, so that opportunities for the blue-green infrastucture become visible. From small areas to entire regions: we are happy to advise you to improve the blue-green infrastructure.