Wildlife-friendly design

From inspirational document to toolbox

We live in an information age where we are confronted with complex topics such as climate change, sustainability and technological developments. It is essential to be able to convey this subject matter in an understandable way and to a wide audience. The use of clear, visual and informative elements, such as infographics and toolboxes, can help with this.

With our extensive ecological knowledge within Waardenburg Ecology, we are the party to translate ecological requirements and wishes into spatial measures. Because nature measures and climate adaptation measures are often compatible, it is possible to serve both interests.

Inspirational document

An inspiration document tells the story of the place, the task and/or the landscape and then provides a system (a vision) to achieve improvement. We explain in a visual way which measures can lead to an improved situation. There is then no plan, but a basis for interventions that can be included in future projects.
Infographic for opportunities to strengthen biodiversity
Example of species information sheets
Section of a procedure card

From 3D animations to toolbox

Information sheets provide a clear overview of what is necessary or desirable. Consider an information sheet about vertical greenery, wildlife-inclusive construction or a specific target species (species that is representative of a habitat). We make the subject accessible with the help of photos, 3D animations, infographics and visuals. This can be part of a report, which provides a more detailed explanation for those who need it.

A toolbox, for example, is a collection of design interventions or measures that you can take in certain circumstances and with certain goals. Such a toolbox can help designers or other stakeholders to implement certain measures in projects at specific locations. It is also a visually attractive document with characteristics of the measure or action. Consider a toolbox for wildlife-inclusive design or climate adaptation.
Page from an interactive report