Wildlife-friendly design

Landscape Ecological System Analysis (LESA)

Landscape Ecological System Analysis (LESA) is a method to discover how an area came into existence and how it functions. The analysis makes it clear what measures need to be taken to strengthen the landscape's system.

Waardenburg Ecology helps clients provide insight into the structure and functioning of the landscape with a LESA. It is important to look for solutions to various issues, such as dehydration, eutrophication and acidification, in a system-oriented way of thinking. Hydrology and soil are cruitial parts of a LESA.

Elements of landscape ecology

Within a LESA, the relationship between the various elements in landscape ecology is examined: history, topography, land use, relief, hydrology, geology, geomorphology, soil, flora and fauna, as well as human influences. This allows an entire system to be mapped out.

Opportunities and bottlenecks

This analysis often leads to an opportunity and bottleneck analysis of the relevant area in which ecohydrology is central. Based on this, recommendations are given, for example, to make the area more climate-robust.