Wildlife-friendly design

Natural burial

Natural burial has become increasingly popular in recent years. When developing new natural cemeteries, Waardenburg Ecology thinks along about preserving existing natural values or even increasing them where possible.

Special and protected animal species often occur in nature reserves that are intended for natural burials. Because only approximately 10% of the natural cemetery is used for actual burial, it is - after surveys - easy to deal with protected natural values in an appropriate manner.

Exisiting natural values

Designing a natural cemetery creates both opportunities and threats. For example, open spaces after tree felling increase biodiversity, but trees can also hold nests of birds. Thorough research is therefore necessary to respect these existing natural values. By saving valuable trees in this example and creating open spaces outside them, there is no longer a threat but only a gain for nature.

Design and management

Waardenburg Ecology supports 'Natuurbegraven Nederland' (NBN) in the development of natural cemeteries. We take care of the necessary inventories and assessments. We advise them on how the areas can be designed and managed in a wildlife-friendly way. We work together with our wildlife-inclusive design team. The starting point is always to maintain the existing natural values and qualities of the site and, where possible, even to enhance them.