Landscape architecture

Management plans

Ecological restoration projects and the creation and management of nature reserves involve design and management plans. These provide insights into the potential of an area, can be used to set targets, show how natural processes will influence the area over time, and highlight how landscape elements can benefit biodiversity.

We develop management plans that are achievable yet maximise the benefit for wildlife. These can be focused on specific species, habitats, conservation goals or a broader biodiversity plan. We combine the know-how of our ecologists and ecological landscape designers to create plans set around firm objectives that are both visionary as well as practical and achievable.

Future potential

A plan often relates to a defined area, yet we always look beyond its boundaries to maximise benefits through connectivity with the surrounding environment. We help identify the aims and outline steps to achieve these. We produce management plans to various levels of detail. We provide insights through the use of maps, reports and visualisations. This ensures clarity for everyone involved and at every step of the process.

Local conditions

Knowledge of local conditions, such as soil, hydrology and species, are essential when developing a management plan. This influences actions such as phased mowing and grazing regimes. We also regularly provide advice on specific management issues, such as invasive and non-native species and succession.